Nov 13, 2009

Caught Red - Handed

It was a bright and breezy day. “Ding”, went the recess bell. Everyone was in high spirits. They rushed to the canteen. Danny had forgotten to take his lunch box and water bottle, so he went up to his classroom to take them. When he reached his classroom, he went up to his bag and took his lunch box and water bottle.

When he was taking his things, he saw a brand new pen on his friend’s desk. He decided to steal it. But, he thought it over several times. He felt very nervous. His heart was beating very fast. He did not know whether to steal or not. Finally, he made up his mind. “I’m going to take this pen,” he thought.

When he reached out to get the pen, his friend Adam saw him. He was very shocked. He shouted,” Thief! Thief!” His heart form teacher, Miss Cynthia, heard him and rushed into the classroom. Adam told Miss Cynthia what Danny had done. Miss Cynthia was furious. Her face turned ad red as an apple. She punished him. Danny hung his head in shame. He regretted his actions.

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